Can I Have Diabetic Retinopathy and Cataracts in Boston?
Cataract Surgery,Diabetic Eye Disease, | November 23, 2021
As you get older, your risk of developing age-related eye conditions increases. But certain risk factors put you at higher risk for specific eye…
READ BLOGCan My Eye Doctor Tell Me If I Have Diabetes?
Diabetic Eye Disease, | October 30, 2020
Diabetes is a common condition, especially in people that are older. Type 2 diabetes is a danger many adults are wary of. It’s important…
READ BLOGDiabetic Retinopathy: Risk Factors and Treatment Options
Diabetic Eye Disease,Diabetic Retinopathy, | November 30, 2016
By understanding more about their condition, patients with diabetic retinopathy can receive the ideal treatment and ensure treatment in a time-frame that can mitigate…
READ BLOGNovember is National Diabetes Month
Diabetic Eye Disease, | October 22, 2016
Diabetes not only affects overall health, but can impact eyesight in many ways. Those with diabetes are more likely to develop eye diseases such…
READ BLOGHow is Diabetic Retinopathy Treated and Can it be Prevented?
Diabetic Eye Disease,Diabetic Retinopathy, | November 23, 2015
In our last blog post, we explained some of the causes of diabetic retinopathy and talked about the importance of regular eye exams in…
READ BLOGWhat is Diabetic Retinopathy and How is it Caused?
Diabetic Eye Disease,Diabetic Retinopathy, | November 18, 2015
November is National Diabetes Month, and Dr. Steven Nielsen and his team at The Nielsen Eye Center are doing their part to spread awareness…