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Who Is Not A Good Candidate For Cataract Surgery In Boston?in Boston, MA


Cataracts are one of the most common age-related eye conditions. One gets cataracts when the protein in the natural lens in the eye starts to show age-related degeneration and becomes cloudy.

Cataract surgery, the only way to effectively treat cataracts, is the most commonly performed medical procedure in the country and it is also one of the most successful surgeries in the world.

Keep reading to learn more about cataract surgery in Boston!

How Cataract Surgery Works

What is cataract surgery and how does it work? Cataract surgery is a procedure that removes the natural cloudy lens of the eye. By removing the natural cloudy lens, the cataract is gone and the patient is considered cured of the cataract that was in that eye.

The surgery only requires a very small incision (utilizing a microscope) that does not need stitches and it should heal on its own. Cataract surgery has no blood, no sutures, and no patches, and it takes 5-10 minutes.

After removing the natural cloudy lens, a folded artificial lens will be put in to take the place of the natural lens, it is called an intraocular lens (IOL). The most technologically advanced artificial implant is a Multifocal Implant that has multiple focal points to give the eye distance vision, intermediate vision and near vision all at once giving the best visual outcome.

Patients whose eyes are healthy without any other medical conditions are candidates for the Multifocal Implants.

Determining Your Chances of Improvement

If you have cataracts without other eye-related conditions, removing them will improve your vision especially if you choose to have Multifocal Implants in both eyes

While cataract surgery is one of the most successful surgeries in the world, some pre-existing eye conditions may or may not impact the surgical outcome. A comprehensive eye examination will determine if you have any other eye problems.

If you have advanced diabetes that has affected your retina, corneal diseases, glaucoma, or macular degeneration, you should discuss this/these with your cataract surgeon on the expectation of your cataract surgery outcome.

Talk to your doctor about what they recommend. They’ll be able to help you navigate the risks and benefits of cataract surgery.

Concerned that you may need cataract surgery? Schedule a cataract screening at Nielsen Eye Center in Quincy, Weymouth, Norwell, or Norwood, MA now!

Our Patient Advocates are standing by and waiting to talk to you so contact us by phone at 617-471-5665. If you’re thinking about cataract surgery, it’s time to take the first step towards clear vision.

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