Are You a Good Candidate for Eyelid Lift Surgery?in Boston, MA

In addition to comprehensive vision care services, our experienced team of eye doctors in Boston provides a range of procedures that address both cosmetics and functionality of the eyes. For example, while , as noted in our recent blog post, “When Eyelid Surgery Becomes Medically Necessary.” Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid lift surgery, is typically considered a cosmetic procedure, it is also a solution for obstructed sight. Regardless of the motivation for undergoing the procedure, patients should meet certain criteria in order to be considered a good candidate.
Typically, a good candidate for an eyelid lift is someone who believes that over time, they have acquired more skin on their upper or lower eyelids, or feels their eyelids appear heavy or puffy. These are usually people 40 or older, though patients in their 20s have been known to undergo the procedure as well. Other factors such as being generally healthy and having realistic expectations are also essential for undergoing the procedure.
We invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our ophthalmologists to learn whether you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery.