Cataract Surgery: What to Expect Before, During and Afterwards In Bostonin Boston, MA

As you grow older, your chances of developing cataracts increase continually. In fact, studies show that by the time you are the age of 80, you will have a 50% chance of having cataracts or already having had surgery for them. Because cataracts cloud the lenses of the eyes, they make it very hard to see and the only way to resolve them is through surgery. Once you start planning for cataract surgery, here’s what you can expect before the procedure, during it, and afterward during recovery:
Before Cataract Surgery
When cataracts begin to cloud your eyes if they are untreated, they will continue growing and they can eventually lead to blindness. But, if you don’t know what to expect from surgery, the treatment itself can be just as frightening as losing your vision. Thanks to modern laser technology, the procedure is straightforward and simple.
First, your Nielsen Eye Center doctor will examine your eyes and look to see how large your cataracts are and where they are located in the eye. Your doctor will take measurements so that we can choose the proper intraocular lens to replace your current clouded lens with. Finally, they will discuss your overall health to make sure you are a good candidate for cataract surgery in Boston. They’ll ask about any medication that you may need to stop taking and may prescribe antibiotics to prepare your eyes for surgery and protect them from infection.
During Cataract Surgery
You may be worried about pain, but thanks to anesthetic eye drops, you won’t feel anything– you won’t even be able to see anything even though you will be fully awake during cataract surgery in Boston. A laser will be used to make a very small incision on your eye. With ultrasound technology, we are able to emulsify your current, damaged lens. The old lens materials will be removed. Next, we replace your old lens with a new lens that is clear and designed specifically for your eye. This surgery process will not take more than 20 minutes but be prepared to be in the office a little longer for preparation and a short period of monitoring recovery.
After Cataract Surgery
Right after surgery, your vision will be blurry and everything may be bright and overwhelming. You will need to make sure you have someone to drive you home after the procedure and help care for you and your household for the following day if possible.
Your eyes may be irritated for a few days and they may even feel a bit itchy. All of these things are completely normal and part of the recovery process. Another thing to keep in mind: you should not need to rub your eyes or do any harsh activities for a while afterward. You’ll be given a set of recovery instructions and may have prescribed eyedrops to use– follow the recommendations of your doctor and make sure to schedule a follow-up appointment a few days after your surgery.
Who to Trust with Your Cataract Surgery
If you are looking for options for cataract surgery, then consider us here at Nielsen Eye Center in Boston. Serving Quincy, MA, Norwell, MA, Weymouth, MA, and Norwood, MA, we have several doctors who are highly skilled in providing cataract surgery through the most state-of-the-art means. Whether you already know you have cataracts or you are showing symptoms of them, then it is time to visit Nielsen Eye Center. Call today or schedule a consultation online– you deserve to see clearly again and we can help you do just that.